This advanced beginner Hatha yoga class is designed to strengthen and lengthen your muscles and free your mind. Instructor Stephanie Durso will guide you into each pose and provide alignment cues for holding the pose and breathing deeply.
Juneteenth Family Event with Ms. Anissa and Ms. Johanna
Intro and Short video clip about the history of Juneteenth and why we celebrate.
Storybook reading- "Juneteenth for Mazie" by Floyd Cooper (Elementary school age) by Ms. Anissa Moor; with YouTube ASL video for hearing impaired
Adults (YS Online Programs)
All adults must be accompanied by a child to attend an online Youth Services program. For the safety of all children, the Library reserves the right to remove such unaccompanied adults from Youth Services online programs immediately.
Celebrated on June 19 - Juneteenth - is a national holiday commemorating the emancipation of African Americans in the United States. Discover the history and significance of this important day with Professor Anissa Moore, Min.
On this Juneteenth weekend, join us for a bit of the blues!